Sunday, November 16, 2014

Raw Living

I have been struggling for months to make the decision to begin eating raw.  Beginning today, I am joining my son-in-law in making a permanent decision to go raw.  We've done it as a family for a short time, but began cooking our food again shortly after that experience.

Funny that the more I study the lifestyles and eating habits of ancient Yasharal, I am discovering that not only was meat not a part of their normal and daily diet, even after being allowed to eat Tahur/clean meat, they usually restricted flesh to slaughtered offerings and certain feasts.

In addition, most of their cooked food was limited to grains, which they ate as bread.  Their other option for eating grains, and even legumes was eating them soaked, but raw.

So, as I read about my ancestors I am trying to understand why they ate they way they did.  What I am finding out is that they had great wisdom, and knowledge about nutrition.  Contrary to popular belief, the children of YHUH were not some nomadic savages that were filthy and dirty and didn't know how to take care of themselves.  Remember it was a young Yasharalyt man that showed the pharaoh how to survive famine.

These people understood the importance of eating their fruits and veggies, nuts and legumes raw or soaked.  Many of their foods were left to ferment so that they could take advantage of the probiotics found in abundance in fermented foods.  They understood that in order to obtain the maximum amount of healthy enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients in their food, it had to be eaten raw, soaked, or fermented.  They understood that cooking, even just a simple sauté would zap all these food nutrients from their food.  It wasn't that they had no way of cooking, or a lack of facilities to cook as we do, they were just wiser than we are and more connected with the earth and the bounty of nutrition it provided them.

Over thousands of years, we've become sicker and sicker.  Even with all the "knowledge" we claim to have.  We are dying at younger ages despite the inventions.  Our food is less healthy, even when we cut back on processed foods, we still cook our natural foods to death.  Literally killing all the nutritional value the foods possess.

Eating raw, in the scheme of things, just makes sense. If cooking destroys the vital and essential nutrients that we need to stay healthy, we should understand that eating our food raw does the exact opposite.  Eating at least 80% raw can provide you with more energy and mental focus, and less of all those ailments that eating cooked foods can cause.  But most importantly, eating at lease 80% raw will provide a way for you to feed your body and give it what it needs to thrive, not just survive.  It will add longevity, especially when compared with moderate exercise and sound sleep.  

*please note that the comments in this post are not to be intended as medical advice! as I am not a medical professional.  All comments are made based on my own study, research, and life experience.  If you need medical advice, please seek a licensed medical professional.