Sunday, January 25, 2015

Let go and allow YHUH

This post isn't about food or even nutrition.  What it is, is a message about favor.   Several years ago, when I started this journey toward YHUH, I felt as if I had been given the responsibility to "save" my family and everyone around me.   It took me a little while to understand and realize that I couldn't save anyone, not even myself, and that salvation came only through the will, by way of the hand, of YHUH.

But, sometimes I still thought "pray for their salvation."  What I've learned to ask instead, is show me how to be an EFFECTIVE witness!  I've slowly come to realize that all I can do is walk what I talk, and truly it's up to YHUH to do the rest.

I've learned that there is nothing in me that makes a difference, but it's HIS Ruach dwelling within me that makes the difference.  I've learned that it's not about how much I read, study, pray, etc...  But it's about my obedience to YHUH, my complete and utter trust in HIM, that allows HIM to dwell within me.

I've said all of this, to lead into my story.....

Today, I've learned what it means to let go and allow YHUH to work HIS perfect will in my life.  I've learned that in order for your witness to be effective, you have to trust and surrender completely to the One that you serve.  I've learned that I don't control anything, not even my own salvation.  I've come to understand that through all my trials and tribulations, as well as my triumphs, all that I am, I owe to YHUH.

So, today, I was able to sit back and watch HIM work and it was amazing!  Sometimes when you think you've not prayed enough, taught enough, witnessed enough, the manifestation of the Ruach inside you is made apparent.  It's true that we have to be aware of what we say and do because someone is always watching.  Always!

And as I've struggled with wondering what's going to happen to my children and their salvation if something was to happen to me, YHUH showed me that it's never been about me, and that if I just let go and allow HIM to do what He says He will, my children are already taken care of.

Today I was able to witness my daughter teach and lead someone to the river that flows with life.  Today I was able to witness the of the Ruach of YHUH speak through her.  It was awesome, beautiful, and spiritually moving....  And HE showed me that He has them and I don't have to worry.

Now, I understand that this doesn't mean that there won't be days that we won't mess up, but YHUH is trustworthy, and He's just, and He will do exactly as He said.  He will bring barakuth upon the obedient, and curses upon the disobedient.  Right now, my daughter is being Baruk and I am able to witness her Barakah, and I am overjoyed as if it were my own.

Now THIS, is favor.  Sometimes as parents we tend to take on more than what we should when it comes to our children.   We need to remember that in reality, they are just loaned to us.  We have a responsibility to train them in the truth, and to teach them the Turah of YHUH when we rise and when we lay down, while in our gates and when we are outside our gates.  We are supposed to bind the Turah of YHUH to our hands as well as our foreheads.  In other words, the Turah is supposed to dictate everything we do and think.  This is our responsibility to our children,  and when we do this, YHUH will certainly take care of the rest.  Our children belong to the One who created them, and we have a duty to bring them up with knowledge and understanding of who their Father is, and lead them to obey and love Him.  We are to teach them to rejoice in serving Him, and desire to obey His commands.

So as I witnessed my daughter be a witness, I realized that she was witnessing to me also.  And I took it all in and absorbed it like a dry sponge soaking up living water.   YHUH made me to understand that the same word He has given to me, is the same word He has given to her.  And though our
approach to it has been different, we've been made to receive it as one.  YHUH has brought unity between me and my daughter, through HIM.  We share something spectacular, and that is our desire to serve Him in spirit and in truth.

As I watched and listened to my daughter open the eyes of another to who YHUH is, all I could do was say thank You.  And as tears of joy streamed down my face, I kneeled before His throne and gave Him praise.

Truly YHUH is wonderful.  I will praise Him always!

When you let go and allow YHUH to do what He wills to do,  you get to see perfection.

Alykham Shalum.
