Thursday, July 23, 2015

Walking Dead

We say we are waking up.  We've stripped off layers of Christianity and we've discovered the true names of the Mighty One of Yasharal/Israel and His son.  We say that we are learning His truth and applying it daily to our lives. That is when we aren't living in transgression because "we aren't in the land" so some transgressions get a pass.  We say we are immersing ourselves in the culture and language of the chosen people. We say because our skin is brown that this makes us the chosen. 


Oh how arrogant we have become.  Like Yasharal of old we cannot let go of the arrogance and sense of entitlement.  Like our ancestors who were rescued from Matsarym/Egypt we feel self-pride as if it were by our own hands that slavery in these United States ended.  We walk around with our chests puffed up and our fists pumping a remake of James Brown's I'm black and I'm proud.  Only now the words have been changed to an idiom that is not even scriptural...I'm not white so I'm Hebrew Israelite.  Cursing the white man instead of owning up to the fact that slavery was a direct result of continued disobedience on OUR part.


Just like the Yasharalyt of old we still hunger for the meats and foods of our slave masters.  Holding dear to our hearts their carcinogens and their diabetic enhancers.  Proclaiming to all that they don't eat pork, yet they eat chicken and YHUH didn't even create that bird.  We live to wear the Afrocentric dashikis and elaborate head wraps, talyth, and tichels.  Some with tassels some with fringes, not really sure what blue is takalath, but wearing the Israeli blue because it's all we know. 


We cry "we are the real Jews or Hebrews." Claiming they stole our identity.  We are so busy stealing back what they "stole."  Truth be told, we don't even know what was taken.  Demanding a return to a land that YHUH said He would deliver us back to.  Like with all else, impatient and greedy for something we've yet to earn.  What are you going to do when you get there?  Govern yourself?  This when you can't even govern your own children?


 Ignorantly posting requests for prayer from people who only pray when in trouble and rejoice when "blessed." But doing neither just because things are okay.  Just because He deserves our praise. 


Jumping on the black bandwagon when our allegiance should not be to a skin color or an ethnic race of people, but to the One who creates all men.  We live in a world of make believe believers.  We believe everything some person who appears wise and learned tells us.  Because just like when we sat in the church pew, being a follower is just easier to do.


Women basking in the stench of the curse of polygamy (read Yashayahu 3 and 4 without prejudice) just because "our ancestors" did it.  When YHUH promised to barak the fruit of YOUR womb.  We would rather share our barakuth, than wait for the promises.  Men walking around here depending on the labor of their women talking about they're busy doing "my father’s business."  When YHUH said that the man not the woman was supposed to toil the ground.  So what kind of man lives off the labor of a woman?  And what kind of woman foolishly provides for a man? 


We show every accomplishment of every brown skinned race of people from the matsryt/Egyptian to the slave masters puppets such as MLK and others.   We strive to claim each and every one of them as our own. Yet because of our disobedience we have no CONCRETE evidence where we are from.  We battle everyday between being Khemet to Yasharalyt to the kings and Queens of Africa.  And all of them sinners.  I need some other folks setting examples for me.  We aren't superior.  And we prove it every day by latching on to any and every body instead of allowing YHUH prove Himself to our enemies.  Did He not say He would go before us?  Yet ego hinders us from truly drawing near to Him.


Everywhere you look folks posting about building community, ignoring the fact that YHUH said be humble, pray, seek my face, and turn from your evil, so that HE could heal our land. 


We don't want true healing.  It's too easy to be a slave.  Too simple to just follow whatever leader is popular for the moment.  And we'd rather be proud and puffed up than humble.  We'd rather take what we want instead of being obedient.  That's too much like right.  Too much work.  Too many things we have to do without. Too many things we can't do.  Like petulant children we'd rather bang our heads against the wall in defiance than submit to Our Father.


Folks keep saying they left the yoke of Christianity....  But it appears as if all they’ve done is mixed a little Christianity, with Islam, and Judaism and started calling that mixture the truth.

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