Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Don't Forget To Break Your Fast

Many new to a raw food diet find it hard to decide what to eat for breakfast.  Most people are so used to eating dead foods, heated foods, or dense foods when they do eat breakfast, that just thinking about raw food for breakfast can be intimidating.  Truth is, raw breakfasts are usually healthier for you, and can also be very simple to make. 
Why breakfast?
Eating within an hour or 2 of waking can make a difference in the way you metabolize glucose, or blood sugar, all day. Your glucose level rises every time you eat, and your pancreas produces insulin to shuttle the glucose into your cells, where it’s used for energy. Research is finding that keeping glucose and insulin in the right balance has important effects on metabolism and health.  
Many nutrition doctors and professors believe that after eating a healthy breakfast your blood sugar increases a little bit, but that it takes a while for your body to absorb the food.  This keeps you from feeling hungry longer. 
If you don’t eat breakfast, though, the prolonged fasting might lead to a bigger than normal boost in “hunger hormones” such as ghrelin, encouraging you to overeat at your next meal and leading to spikes and dips in glucose. Over time, if your pancreas is constantly producing insulin to compensate for high levels of glucose, it will burn out and you may develop diabetes.

What to eat?
After a meal, blood goes to the digestive system and away from the muscles, brain and other systems. After a big, complex meal most of the body’s blood goes to the digestive process and there is not enough oxygen for the brain– which is why you fall asleep after a big meal. 

So, what you eat is important.  If your idea of breakfast is a doughnut and a cup of coffee, or sugary cereal and a glass of fruit juice, or even pancakes, bacon, and eggs, you’re setting the stage for metabolic havoc. Fortunately, breakfast can be full of flavor as well as healthy
Food combining:
Fruits and vegetables, which are mostly water, take a short time in the digestive tract. The more complex, dense foods you eat at a meal, the longer digestion takes. If in the system too long, sugars and starches can ferment and proteins can putrefy. For this reason the optimum meal is the mono-meal: eating one food at a time. If you wish to eat more than one food at a time, it is good to know how to combine foods so that a meal requires as little blood for digestion as possible. This frees up more fuel and oxygen for the muscles, nervous system and brain. Correct combinations also encourage proper digestion, assimilation and elimination of food eaten.
  • Eat fruit alone (an exception is acidic fruits- citrus and tomatoes- which will combine with vegetables and fats.
  • Eat melons alone
  • Don’t combine starches with acids or sugars (such as bread with tomatoes or sweet pastries)
  • Don’t combine proteins with starches
  • Try water or tea before your meal
  • Try to reduce or eliminate eating between meals
Give it a try
Try a green smoothie, or a cup of plain goat or sheep milk yogurt with berries for a satisfying first meal of the day.  Even a small vegetable salad gives your body enough boost to help start your day. Vegetable salads are nutrient rich to boot! Breakfast doesn't have to be, and shouldn't be difficult or too dense, but it can be delicious and healthy.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Why Tahur is so important to me

I am feeling a need to tell my story.

Years ago I was having a hard time with my digestive system.  My doctor at the time didn't test me for anything.  She just said stop eating beef.  No reason. Just said stop.  So I did.  I felt better. But not completely.

I continued to suffer heartburn and what I later learned was reflux. I had diarrhea all the time.  It was horrible.

In addition to all of this, I had been a lifelong migraine, asthma, and allergy sufferer.  I never thought about why I had all of these ailments.  I just took the meds.

Then I read Brashyth 1:29 during study after coming to the truth in יהוה.

It hit me hard.  And while everyone else was focussing on Uyaqra chapter 11, I couldn't get past Brashyth 1:29.

So I began to seek an understanding of this way of eating יהוה planned for us.

During the time I was trying to discern this, I was also suffering from chronic neutropenia. For those that don't know what that is, is where you have chronic low white blood cells and this ailment makes you susceptible to illness and being unable to heal quickly.

I was being tested for everything.  I was very sick for over two years. But the disease had been afflicting me for about five years.  It had just gotten worse because it had not been treated.

I am thankful to יהוה for being my healer.

The study of Brashyth 1:29 led me to study Uyaqra 19:19 and Dbarym 22:9-11

What did YHUH really mean by two seeds and defilement?

After years of studying I still believe I don't have all of the answers, but this one thing I do know, and that is He never gave us meat to eat. He allowed it after we continued horribly in sin. And that He punishes those who crave it. Bmadbar 11.

So in all of my research and studies I have come to an understanding about the difference between natural hybridization which is also called cross pollination, and manmade hybridization which has been termed mechanical pollination.  I have been made to understand that manmade hybridization is pretty much the same as GMO.  It's mans way of altering the genetic DNA of a species to change its outcome.  This is a direct violation of both Uyaqra 19:19 and Dabarym 22:9

I have made it a mission of sorts to determine what foods currently available in this forsaken land we live in actually meet the criteria יהוה gave us in His word.

The paleo diet is not it
Vegetarianism is not it
Veganism is not it
Carnivorism is not it

He was very plain. Fruits and plants that bear seed as well as are not the result of man mixing seeds together or planting them together.

In the U.S. especially, this leaves us very limited.

I've heard a lot of people say it's too hard.

I've heard people use the excuse that we are in the diaspora.

But I've read the Word that said even in the land where I send you, be obedient.

It is important to remember that we are here because we failed to obey.  And we need to remember that even the land has been defiled.  And we need to understand that as a people we must humble ourselves and pray turn completely away from all manner of sin and seek יהוה.  If we do not do this, then the land will remain defiled and we will remain right where we are.

So what does this mean for those choosing to be obedient in this?  Well it means limited food choices. And it means learning to cook with the foods that we can discern to be clean. And it means pushing away from the pagan tables.  And it means trusting יהוה to provide our bodies with what we need. Even in the diaspora.

I can witness that I have not suffered a migraine, or an asthma attack in over two years.  Both conditions having been crippling my entire life.

I no longer have gerds or neutropenia.

And I am trusting completely in יהוה for complete healing of my mind body and soul.

At some point we have to get out of our own way and just trust Him.

It's really that simple.

That's not to say trials won't ever come. But it does mean that because we Trust Him we will be able to stand in the midst of those trials.

That's why this blog my website and Facebook group Living Clean Pure & Simple and their purpose is so important to me and so close to my inner being.

Learning to discern between the clean and unclean in all things is a requirement of this walk.  And learning to lean on the understanding of יהוה is what makes it easier.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Why Are the children of יהוה begging bread???

There are some things that I need to talk about that has my inner being saddened and broken.  

Lately I've been hearing so many stories about the plight of my sisters and their children in this forsaken land.  Women who have been down trodden, trying to do what's right, trying to live clean but truly unable to do so.  Not by choice but out of lack. 

In the face of all this turmoil that's taking place in their lives, they are surrounded by teachers and preachers and brothers and sisters who hear their tales of woe, yet offer nothing but words of "sympathy." 

Dabarym 15:7 If there is a poor man with you, one of your brothers, in any of your towns in your land which יהוה your Mighty One is giving you, you shall not harden your heart, nor close your hand from your poor brother; 8but you shall freely open your hand to him, and shall generously lend him sufficient for his need in whatever he lacks.…

Mashly 14:31 Whoever oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Creator but whoever is kind to the needy honors Him

Mashly 21:13 Whoever shuts their ears to the cry of the poor will also cry 

Yashayahu 58:6 Is not this the fast that I choose: to loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the straps of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free, and to break every yoke? 7 is it not to share your bread with the hungry and bring the homeless poor into your house; when you see the naked, to cover him, and not to hide yourself from your own flesh?

All these folks talking about building communities seeking financial assistance to do that, yet won't lift a finger to help someone in their need???  Give me several breaks.  This is not of יהוה. This is selfishness and greed. 

How can we expect a healing of our land and a pardoning of our wickedness if we are not truly humble?  We cannot be said to be seeking יהוה if we are not being obedient to His commands to provide for the widow the orphans and the poor in our midst.  

I'm just sick and tired of being sick and tired of people being selfish and greedy and puffed up in their own righteousness while the people who are doing their darnedest to follow יהוה in all ways are being tossed aside and not looked after because they have a need others aren't trying to help meet.  If there are so many of who claim to be called by HIS name, why are there still so many we aren't taking care of?

We ALL have a responsibility to this call. And not enough people are answering it.  For surely if we were this plague wouldn't still be upon us. 

We need to stop being so self righteous and truly begin to act righteously. 

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Raw Food Challenge Is Just Days Away

Shalum and welcome. 

I am glad to announce that we are just days away from our Raw Food Challenge beginning 10/7/15 and ending 11/6/15.   

The raw food challenge is about eating healthier to heal our bodies and maintain Ruach filled health.  It's about encouraging each other to eat to live instead of just eating.  

YHUH gave us some very clear instructions about eating. His original plan for His people was a seeded plant based and seeded fruit based diet.  

Chata/transgression/Sin caused a riff between YHUH and His people.  But He promised to return to us if we returned to Him.  

People say a vegan diet is difficult and too expensive.  I personally have been eating this way long enough to discover that it is actually more expensive to eat the current diet of the masses.  It's more expensive both physically and spiritually. 

Eating at least 70% raw and eating your cooked vegetables and grains certain ways will cleanse your system and create a healthier environment that can help you lose weight, feel and sleep better, as well as increase your energy levels, memory, and quality of life. 

The world takes enough from us.  We shouldn't be the ones adding trouble to it. 

I will be posting videos throughout the challenge on the 7shepherdess YouTube channel, and am posting the link to the first videos below. 

While we partake on this journey, it is my sincere hope that as we get back to eating the way יהוה intended for us to eat, that we look at this as not just a passing fad, but as a way to continue pass the thirty days into the remainder of our lives. 

So please join this challenge and let's start our journey toward healthy Scriptural eating for healthy Scriptural living. 

Alykham Shalum



 All facts, details & recommendations on our website are provided for information purposes only and are not intended to diagnose, prescribe or replace the advice of professionals. Products and advice by Tahur make no claim to cure or prevent any disease or medical problem and is not intended to substitute other therapy or medical advice.  If you need medical attention, please contact a medical professional.