Friday, October 9, 2015

Why Tahur is so important to me

I am feeling a need to tell my story.

Years ago I was having a hard time with my digestive system.  My doctor at the time didn't test me for anything.  She just said stop eating beef.  No reason. Just said stop.  So I did.  I felt better. But not completely.

I continued to suffer heartburn and what I later learned was reflux. I had diarrhea all the time.  It was horrible.

In addition to all of this, I had been a lifelong migraine, asthma, and allergy sufferer.  I never thought about why I had all of these ailments.  I just took the meds.

Then I read Brashyth 1:29 during study after coming to the truth in יהוה.

It hit me hard.  And while everyone else was focussing on Uyaqra chapter 11, I couldn't get past Brashyth 1:29.

So I began to seek an understanding of this way of eating יהוה planned for us.

During the time I was trying to discern this, I was also suffering from chronic neutropenia. For those that don't know what that is, is where you have chronic low white blood cells and this ailment makes you susceptible to illness and being unable to heal quickly.

I was being tested for everything.  I was very sick for over two years. But the disease had been afflicting me for about five years.  It had just gotten worse because it had not been treated.

I am thankful to יהוה for being my healer.

The study of Brashyth 1:29 led me to study Uyaqra 19:19 and Dbarym 22:9-11

What did YHUH really mean by two seeds and defilement?

After years of studying I still believe I don't have all of the answers, but this one thing I do know, and that is He never gave us meat to eat. He allowed it after we continued horribly in sin. And that He punishes those who crave it. Bmadbar 11.

So in all of my research and studies I have come to an understanding about the difference between natural hybridization which is also called cross pollination, and manmade hybridization which has been termed mechanical pollination.  I have been made to understand that manmade hybridization is pretty much the same as GMO.  It's mans way of altering the genetic DNA of a species to change its outcome.  This is a direct violation of both Uyaqra 19:19 and Dabarym 22:9

I have made it a mission of sorts to determine what foods currently available in this forsaken land we live in actually meet the criteria יהוה gave us in His word.

The paleo diet is not it
Vegetarianism is not it
Veganism is not it
Carnivorism is not it

He was very plain. Fruits and plants that bear seed as well as are not the result of man mixing seeds together or planting them together.

In the U.S. especially, this leaves us very limited.

I've heard a lot of people say it's too hard.

I've heard people use the excuse that we are in the diaspora.

But I've read the Word that said even in the land where I send you, be obedient.

It is important to remember that we are here because we failed to obey.  And we need to remember that even the land has been defiled.  And we need to understand that as a people we must humble ourselves and pray turn completely away from all manner of sin and seek יהוה.  If we do not do this, then the land will remain defiled and we will remain right where we are.

So what does this mean for those choosing to be obedient in this?  Well it means limited food choices. And it means learning to cook with the foods that we can discern to be clean. And it means pushing away from the pagan tables.  And it means trusting יהוה to provide our bodies with what we need. Even in the diaspora.

I can witness that I have not suffered a migraine, or an asthma attack in over two years.  Both conditions having been crippling my entire life.

I no longer have gerds or neutropenia.

And I am trusting completely in יהוה for complete healing of my mind body and soul.

At some point we have to get out of our own way and just trust Him.

It's really that simple.

That's not to say trials won't ever come. But it does mean that because we Trust Him we will be able to stand in the midst of those trials.

That's why this blog my website and Facebook group Living Clean Pure & Simple and their purpose is so important to me and so close to my inner being.

Learning to discern between the clean and unclean in all things is a requirement of this walk.  And learning to lean on the understanding of יהוה is what makes it easier.

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