Friday, December 11, 2015

Boycott Seedless Fruit

To say I'm horrified is putting it mildly. Apparently the demand has gotten so great for seedless fruit that seeded fruit is almost non existent.

Many people do not care that man is corrupting our food supply and destroying the natural DNA of our food, thereby destroying our natural DNA as well.   I am not being overly dramatic. I'm being very real here. Sooner or later there will be no more real food!

Seedless citrus fruit makes reproducing citrus trees from seed pretty much impossible. 

Seedless fruit is obtained by grafting buds from existing seedless trees onto young trees. LABORATORIES grow seedless plant matter in a growing solution until it is vial me. Then they plant it in a growing medium until the plant is a small sapling and can be transplanted to a grove. 

These folks are playing Creator.  They are messing up the Eco system YHUH created. They are causing people to die through diverse diseases.  

And guess what??  As long as we buy it they will continue to make money.  And as long as they are making money they do NOT CARE!

At some point we should care enough about what we are putting into our bodies and the bodies of our future generations.  

Is it really that hard to deseed a pummelo or a mandarin?  Would you rather do that or try and figure out why your blood isn't absorbing enough iron resulting in some sort of chronic blood disorder? 

If you don't care about your body, care about our planet.  It is the only one we have.  Brashyth/Genesis 1 and 2 tell us that our purpose was to make it fruitful and to help it thrive.  Instead we are killing it b

Brashyth 1:29 tells us that seeded plants and fruit are supposed to be our food. Something grown in a laboratory can never be considered food. It's an experiment. We can continue to let science experiment with our world or we can do something about it. 

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