Saturday, September 27, 2014


Walking in this Turah truth means not being able to eat a great many foods.  It means having to forego foods that we might enjoy, or even foods that the doctors and nutritionist proclaim to be healthy or even needed.

I've been told by some that they still continue to eat unclean because their bodies become ill and afflicted when they eat according to the Turah.  Some state that since all food is hybrid it doesn't matter.  Some even say all food has been made clean through the death of Yahusha.

It is amazing to me that people still do not understand that the blood of Yahusha did not wash away the Turah, but made it complete.  The witness of the letter to the Abarym made this quite clear, in that it explains that His purpose was to become the one and only acceptable slaughtered offering.  The mediator of blood between mankind and YHUH.

So what does this mean for those who want to be obedient to YHUH? It means that we must follow HIS Turah.

Speaking with my sisters a few days ago, it became quite clear that as we continue in disobedience the way we live will continue to take us further away from the perfection YHUH created us to live in.  Understanding that, that perfect state of perfection will not be possible until He returns to us, we still have an obligation to "press toward the mark" of That True High Calling!  This means that we have to look to YHUH to lead and guide us as close as we can get to the place He calls us to be while living in this sin sick world.

When YHUH created the earth, He created all that lives and breathes.  Yet He was very specific about what we were allowed to eat.  However we sinned against Him.  We turned our backs on Him, and
were thus thrust out of that perfect state of being.  The things He created for us to eat became harder for us to grow.  This was the punishment He placed on mankind. (B'Rashyth 3:17-18). And as man continued to become more and more wicked, the punishment was death.  (B'Rashyth 6:6-7).  This purging of constant defilement changed altogether the condition of the world we lived in.  So YHUH made provision.  When He told Nuach to take seven pairs of the clean (Tahur) animals, He was making provision.  Not just for His slaughterings, but as nourishment for His children.  Thus the way we ate was also changed.  But we need to be mindful, that this was not part of YHUH's perfect plan for how we should eat.  This was the punishment of our being disobedient.

Many look at this account and say this is when YHUH said we could eat anything.  (B'Rashyth 9:3). But we need to understand that YHUH was not saying we could eat everything.  I look at the word live in this verse, and understand clearly that YHUH was making separation.  Those things that are Tahur bring life.  Those things that are Tama bring death.  Nuach understood this quite well, which is why he didn't need an instruction manual in order to know which beasts were clean and which ones
were unclean. As the Word states, he was the only being YHUH found worthy to save. (B'Rashyth 6:8) However it is obvious that his descendants did not, as YHUH had to eventually spell out for us just what His words meant.  (U'Yaqra 11). And still, we could not get it right, as He had to continue giving instruction... (U'yaqra 3:17, 19:19, 23-25, vs. 26; Bmadbar 11; Dabarym 14, 20:19-20, 22:9-11)

During the years that I've  been studying how we are supposed to eat according to the way YHUH initially gave us to eat, I've stumbled and I've made many mistakes.  But I kept pressing.  The reason I kept pressing and continue to press is because I do not want to end up as they did in Bmadbar 11.  I want to do what is right and pleasing to Abynu YHUH.

When YHUH said "I have given you every plant that yields seed...and every tree whose fruit yields you it is for food". He was giving us a perfect diet.  Through sin, greed, and selfishness, we
have polluted and defiled the earth, as well as our own bodies.  How can we expect YHUH to dwell in us, if we are defiled?  We are defiled in how we act, how we speak, how we dress, how we study, how we believe, and yes, in how we eat.

So to those naysayers who believe we cannot eat B'Rashyth 1:28-29 while in captivity and remain healthy, you are wrong.  How we eat, what we eat helps rid our body of plague, parasites, and disease.  It isn't so much as the eating as it is the obedience.  When we obey YHUH, even in something so seemingly innocent as diet, we please Him.  And THIS is truly the answer to how we find delight in our own selves and our own lives.  Delight yourself in YHUH and He will give you the desires of your heart, wisdom says.  It's not that we obey to get what we want.  We obey to give Him what He asks, because we love Him, and want to be found pleasing to Him.  So when we delight in Him, we find that our desire changes from worldly wants to qadush wants.

Here's a list of foods that can help make your plate complete and well balanced, and your eating line up with B'Rashyth 1:28-29:

Amaranth.  Rich in lysine, cysteine, methionine, Vit. C, Iron, calcium
Farro/emmer. Rich in fiber, niacin, magnesium, zinc
Spelt.  Rich in fiber, magnesium, zinc, iron
Buckwheat.  This complete protein is rich in magnesium, zinc and B vitamins
Kamut. This complete protein is rich in Vit. B, Vit. E, phosporus, magnesium, zinc, complex carbs
Quinoa. This complete protein is rich in phosporus, B vitamins, Iron, Calcium, potassium
Barley. Rich in fiber, B vitamins, iron, copper, manganese, selenium
Teff. Rich in high quality carbs, calcium, thiamin, iron

Use these in place of rice and potatoes when cooking.

Other sources of protein include almonds, spinach, figs, avocado, hemp seeds, kale, sprouts, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, asparagus, peas

Spinach, kale, collards, turnip greens, apricots, figs, black strap molasses, legumes...

essential to iron absorption can be readily found in collards, kale, spinach, turnip greens, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, red bell pepper, pomelo, key limes, and mandarins

Believed by many to be found only in meat, is found abundantly in collards, spinach, turnip greens, okra, almonds, and sesame seeds

Hemp seed, chia seed, flax seed, walnuts, winter squash, leafy greens, cabbage, berries, mango, olives.  For added flavor to foods, cooking with cloves, marjoram, and oregano also gives a slight boost to the omegas.  For healthier cooking with oils high in the omegas use hemp seed oil, flax seed oil, coconut oil, and pure extra virgin olive oil when cooking.

Bottom line, the ONLY nutrient we cannot get eating the way we are supposed to seems to be Vitamin B12.  The reason being, is because B12 is found only in soil.  The reason why B12 is found in meat, is because when animals eat, they eat the dirt right along with the grasses because no one is out cleaning their grasses before they eat them.  We overly wash our grasses because too many contaminants are found in the soil.  This is what has depleted our ability to naturally absorb Vitamin B12.  It's not because YHUH took it away or gave us a new source, it's because WE have destroyed it.  Because of this, I take a B12 supplement that is derived from... You guessed it... The chemicals found in dirt.  I chuckle....  To get an adequate amount of vitamin D, the kind found only in the sun, I try to be out in the sun 15 to 30 minutes per day between 10am and 2pm, the time of day when the sun is ripe for our bodies to absorb it.  If I am unable to do this on a regular basis, I supplement with a D3 liquid that is derived from lanolin.  And I am healthy.  Now if I could just get this exercise thing down...  Hmmm

With that said, I encourage you to be courageous.  Think and live outside the box...pray and ask YHUH to give you UNCOMMON sense.  Because all things common, are not of Him.

Dabarym 12:8 do not do as we are doing here today, each one whatever is right in his own eyes. 9 because you have not yet entered the rest and the inheritance YHUH your Alahym is giving you.

Alykham Shalum


Saturday, September 13, 2014

Why Diets Don't Work

For years I've been wanting to lose weight.  I've tried many diets, I've even tried certain "fasts".  I've even tried a cleanse.  I did not lose weight on either one.    Well let me correct that.  I lost weight, but gained it right back.

Diets tend to have a cycle.  You start your diet.  Which basically means you restrict yourself from certain things.  You choose low fat, low carbs, low calories, etc.  so you restrict yourself from food that is high in these categories.  Which is WRONG.  Your body needs all of these things.  So restricting yourself of these things usually leads to......cravings.

"There is no single explanation for food cravings, and explanations range from low serotonin levels affecting the brain centers for appetite to production of endorphins as a result of consuming fats and carbohydrates. Foods with high levels of sugar-glucose, such as chocolate, are more frequently craved than foods with lower sugar glucose, such as broccoli because when glucose interacts with opioid system in the brain an addictive  triggering effect occurs. The consumer of the glucose feels the urge to consume more glucose, much like an alcoholic, because the brain has become conditioned to release "feel good hormones" every time glucose is present. There is evidence that addiction and food craving activate some of the same brain areas. Specifically, when smokers look at pictures of people smoking it activates the same areas of the brain as when obese people look at pictures of food." Wiki-food

What this says, is that when you restrict your body of the things its used to, your brain tells you that you need these things, so your body begins to desire these things.  Once you begin to crave something, with little to no will power, you soon give in. And once you give in, it's hard to go back to leaving those foods alone.

After awhile though, guilt kicks in.  Or you start looking in the mirror.  Or your clothes don't fit.  This is when you start making plans to diet again.  Thus the cycle repeats itself.

So now that you understand the cycle of dieting, as well as the reason they don't work, Let me share with you something that may help you lose weight and keep it off.


That's right obedience.  The reason why we gain weight, get sick, have faulty digestive systems, contact death threatening diseases, is all due to disobedience.

Dbrym/deut. 28:21 YHUH will make the pestilence stick to you until he has consumed you off the land that you are entering to take possession of it. 22 YHUH will strike you with wasting disease and with fever, inflammation and fiery heat, and with drought and with blight and with mildew. They shall pursue you until you perish.

See this was written thousands of years ago.  However, when most people go to scripture they tend to overlook these verses, erroneously believing that they don't apply to them.  But these diseases aren't just the punishment of Yasharal.  These are diseases and pestilences that afflicted Matsarym, and Babal as well.  So what did Yasharal have in common with these nations?  Chata, sin.  

When YHUH put mankind/adam in the garden, He made everything in perfection.  Including the list of things we were supposed to eat.  Believe it or not, everything created was not supposed to be food. There's a diet going around called the paleo diet, and many people are consuming the things allowed in this diet, believing them to be the foods of the ancient Yasharalyt.  But many of these foods were forbidden to Yasharal, and are foods they would have only eaten when they forgot the Turah, or when they were just blatantly disobedient to Turah.

Many of these foods taste good.  And like Yasharal of old, after years and years in captivity, we too long for and crave the foods of our enslavement.

The ONLY way to set things right is to repent and turn away from idolatry of food! and return to obedience to the Turah YHUH gave regarding what we really should consider food.  And I can tell you, most of what you find in the grocery store is not it.

But what does this have to do with losing weight you might be asking.  So let me tell you.  Once you begin to eat, I mean truly eat the things YHUH would have considered food for His chosen people, you will begin to see a change in yourself immediately.  You become more energized.  Your brain functions more coherently.  And yes, you lose weight.

You lose weight because you no longer are eating additives and preservatives and processed sugars and processed starches and manmade hybrids and genetically modified organisms.  

This is a huge restriction, because it literally means almost every "food" known to man.  

I feel you thinking, well what can I eat then?  Many will argue that eating this strictly means you cannot eat anything.  Some say well all food is a hybrid.  And pretty much they are correct.  All food is cultivated. But there are some foods that hybridized because of natural occurrences, and there are some foods that are hybridized because of man's interference.  These are the foods YHUH said we could not eat in Uyaqra 19:19 and Dbrym 22:9-11.

I remember reading Bamadbar chapter 11.  It says they lusted after the meat of Matsarym...  Buy the time you get to the end of the chapter you discover that all those who lusted were struck with plague, and died because of that lust.

This is what is going on with us today.  YHUH said we show our love for Him through our obedience.  Too many justify their disobedience because we are in "Babal."  Well guess what, we are here because we deserve to be.  And until we truly change we will remain in "Babal", because there is currently no where in the world you can go and escape Babal.  Why? Because Babal is spiritual.  Living in the US is not physically Babal.  We were brought here because of spiritual disobedience.  And we remain here for the same reasons.  Those seeking to escape will find themselves in Babal no matter where they go, because the same sins and enslavement they live with here exists all over the world.

What we fail to realize is that YHUH doesn't say pack up and change location because that's going to change your life.  No! He says obey Him.  Observe to do His command.  Be circumcised in the flesh and the inner man.  Then you will begin to see change occurring in your life.  Because YHUH is just and when we return to Him, He will heal.  Husha 6:1

This requires will, discipline, and a heart to obey.  You have to stop looking at the situation as giving up, and look at it as rewarding.  YHUH says we must learn to delight in Him.  When we find His Turah a delight, we begin to look at every aspect of our lives in a different light.  You begin to truly hunger and thirst for righteousness, rather than than the ways of man.

I had to tell myself, look at that fried chicken, that strawberry pop tart, that mocha almond fudge ice cream, that feta cheese as a ticking bomb.  I had to tell myself that putting those things in my body was like walking around like a suicide bomber, ready to explode.  I had to make a decision as to whether or not food would be my adversary and whether or not I would give in to the temptations, or if I would resist them.

I understood, that just like with everything else I am called to do, I had to understand that YHUH was calling me to life, and I had to make the decision to live or die.  He doesn't make that decision for us. He chooses us...yet we in turn have to turn around and decide whether or not we are going to choose Him.

The moment I made the choice to become obedient to eating according B'Rashyth 1:28-29 was the moment my life changed drastically.  Gone was the asthma, and the allergies, and the anemia, and frequent colds, etc.  though I recently discovered that I have an auto immune disease, it's been attacking my body since before I knew YHUH.  I've managed to escape many of the symptoms because for the past several years, I've been researching and eliminating all the GMOs man made hybrids, and non foods from my diet.  And yes, this resulted in significant weight loss.

Now, I am not saying eat Tahur/clean just to lose weight.  That's not obedience, that's self service.  However, once you become obedient, expect YHUH to heal you.

I pray these words bring encouragement in a world so full of strife, and that the barakuth of Dbrym 28:1-14 be yours.

Alykham Shalum,


Monday, September 8, 2014

What Are You Eating

What are you eating?

There's a lot of "tell all" movies about the food industry and how they are making money hand over fist "poisoning" citizens all over the world with its "food."

I recently made the following comment regarding one of the newest documentaries...  "Fed Up."

"The problem is that most people don't really care about what they eat.  It's one thing to say or even believe I want to do better...  But a lot of people's reality is they are too lazy to really put in the effort.  Buying fresh healthy food that you have to spend time preparing and then cooking is too much for today's society.  Everything is about quick and easy.  Had people not wanted everything in five seconds the fake food industry wouldn't be as wealthy as it is.. And the government wouldn't own farms because everyone would be growing their own food...  Restaurants wouldn't be chains because folks would be cooking their own food and children nor adults would be obese because sedentary life styles would not exist..."

I want to add, the biggest problem we have with our health, is that the world has gotten as far away as possible from the commands of YHUH.  Uyaqra 19:19, Dbrym 22:9-11, Brashyth 1:29-30 give very detailed information of just what YHUH intended for us to eat.  And yes I know that after the punishment of the flood, meat was given (Uyaqra 11).  However what many fail to realize is that it was not until AFTER YHUH saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth and that EVERY inclination of the thoughts of his inner man was only evil continuously that He decided to cause the rain to fall to punish mankind for its wickedness... Brashyth 6:5-7... And it was not until after this punishment of death that man was allowed to eat meat. Brashyth 9:3. I also find it odd that there was already a division of the clean and unclean animals and man knew the difference Brashyth 6:21, 7:2,8.

Many look at Brashyth 9:3 and say "we can eat whatever we want."  If that were the case, YHUHwouldn't   have given the instructions in Uyaqra 11 regarding the clean and unclean....  As well as telling the people to make a distinction between the two... Uyaqra 11:47

When we look at Dbrym 28:15-68 it should be of no surprise that our children suffer from heart disease and cancer and skin disease and sickness.  It should be no surprise that immunizations from fatal diseases have been developed, or that new diseases crop up every year.

I am not writing these words for those that do not follow the Turah of YHUH.  There is no chastisement for the people that do not belong to Him.  For those who do not believe in Him their father is of this world.  However, if you follow YHUH and guard to do ALL that He commands, these words are for you.

It is time to stop making excuses and justifying what you eat.  When we give in to our flesh, we are denying the power of the one we "say" we believe in.  When we grumble and complain, we are truly saying we either don't care, don't believe, or want to stay in Babal.   YHUH hears your grumbling..  The ancients grumbled and complained about YHUH's provision.. And they were dealt with accordingly.  Bmadbar 11

My aysh complains about how much money I sound on fresh seasonally local produce and how much time I spend researching farming practices..  He was totally shocked when I went to the store to purchase provision for him and he saw how much money nonfood really costs.  I call it nonfood because YHUH did not make unclean substances food for us.  Man did that.  YHUH created the pig, but He said it was not food for us.  The same goes with all other unclean substances.

You can complain all you want about the cost or the time or the availability....  This does not negate the fact that there is Turah about food.  Is the meat you're eating the result of two different animals mated together?  He did not say an animal that wasn't able to procreate.. He said two kinds mated together.  Is the meat your purchasing from the store meat that has been hunted, presented to YHUH and the blood covered I dirt?  Are you eating halal and kosher?  If so, do you realize that those are foods that have been offered to pagan deities?

Sure the Turah of clean and unclean food is difficult to say the least to follow, in a world that doesn't hold to the Turah of YHUH in any way.  But we are called to be qadush, that is separated to YHUH because He is qadush.  We are called to come out of Babal spiritually, even if not physically.  Once you read, you must do all you can to follow.  We are held accountable, and how much money you make, how difficult it is to acquire, etc. is not acceptable excuses.

When we anah (humble) ourselves, pray, seek YHUH, and turn from evil, He is righteous and will answer... Dbry HaYamym Byth 7:14.  Humbling ones self means to be lowly submissive.  Our biggest problem is, is that not many of us are WILLING to do this.

If you want to talk eating clean, or just want info about how I go about buying and eating clean local produce, please do not hesitate to contact me.  Send an email to

My prayer is that we become willing to obey YHUh in ALL things, not just the things we find the easiest to do.

May your kneading bowl be Baruk.

Alykham Shalum
