Saturday, September 13, 2014

Why Diets Don't Work

For years I've been wanting to lose weight.  I've tried many diets, I've even tried certain "fasts".  I've even tried a cleanse.  I did not lose weight on either one.    Well let me correct that.  I lost weight, but gained it right back.

Diets tend to have a cycle.  You start your diet.  Which basically means you restrict yourself from certain things.  You choose low fat, low carbs, low calories, etc.  so you restrict yourself from food that is high in these categories.  Which is WRONG.  Your body needs all of these things.  So restricting yourself of these things usually leads to......cravings.

"There is no single explanation for food cravings, and explanations range from low serotonin levels affecting the brain centers for appetite to production of endorphins as a result of consuming fats and carbohydrates. Foods with high levels of sugar-glucose, such as chocolate, are more frequently craved than foods with lower sugar glucose, such as broccoli because when glucose interacts with opioid system in the brain an addictive  triggering effect occurs. The consumer of the glucose feels the urge to consume more glucose, much like an alcoholic, because the brain has become conditioned to release "feel good hormones" every time glucose is present. There is evidence that addiction and food craving activate some of the same brain areas. Specifically, when smokers look at pictures of people smoking it activates the same areas of the brain as when obese people look at pictures of food." Wiki-food

What this says, is that when you restrict your body of the things its used to, your brain tells you that you need these things, so your body begins to desire these things.  Once you begin to crave something, with little to no will power, you soon give in. And once you give in, it's hard to go back to leaving those foods alone.

After awhile though, guilt kicks in.  Or you start looking in the mirror.  Or your clothes don't fit.  This is when you start making plans to diet again.  Thus the cycle repeats itself.

So now that you understand the cycle of dieting, as well as the reason they don't work, Let me share with you something that may help you lose weight and keep it off.


That's right obedience.  The reason why we gain weight, get sick, have faulty digestive systems, contact death threatening diseases, is all due to disobedience.

Dbrym/deut. 28:21 YHUH will make the pestilence stick to you until he has consumed you off the land that you are entering to take possession of it. 22 YHUH will strike you with wasting disease and with fever, inflammation and fiery heat, and with drought and with blight and with mildew. They shall pursue you until you perish.

See this was written thousands of years ago.  However, when most people go to scripture they tend to overlook these verses, erroneously believing that they don't apply to them.  But these diseases aren't just the punishment of Yasharal.  These are diseases and pestilences that afflicted Matsarym, and Babal as well.  So what did Yasharal have in common with these nations?  Chata, sin.  

When YHUH put mankind/adam in the garden, He made everything in perfection.  Including the list of things we were supposed to eat.  Believe it or not, everything created was not supposed to be food. There's a diet going around called the paleo diet, and many people are consuming the things allowed in this diet, believing them to be the foods of the ancient Yasharalyt.  But many of these foods were forbidden to Yasharal, and are foods they would have only eaten when they forgot the Turah, or when they were just blatantly disobedient to Turah.

Many of these foods taste good.  And like Yasharal of old, after years and years in captivity, we too long for and crave the foods of our enslavement.

The ONLY way to set things right is to repent and turn away from idolatry of food! and return to obedience to the Turah YHUH gave regarding what we really should consider food.  And I can tell you, most of what you find in the grocery store is not it.

But what does this have to do with losing weight you might be asking.  So let me tell you.  Once you begin to eat, I mean truly eat the things YHUH would have considered food for His chosen people, you will begin to see a change in yourself immediately.  You become more energized.  Your brain functions more coherently.  And yes, you lose weight.

You lose weight because you no longer are eating additives and preservatives and processed sugars and processed starches and manmade hybrids and genetically modified organisms.  

This is a huge restriction, because it literally means almost every "food" known to man.  

I feel you thinking, well what can I eat then?  Many will argue that eating this strictly means you cannot eat anything.  Some say well all food is a hybrid.  And pretty much they are correct.  All food is cultivated. But there are some foods that hybridized because of natural occurrences, and there are some foods that are hybridized because of man's interference.  These are the foods YHUH said we could not eat in Uyaqra 19:19 and Dbrym 22:9-11.

I remember reading Bamadbar chapter 11.  It says they lusted after the meat of Matsarym...  Buy the time you get to the end of the chapter you discover that all those who lusted were struck with plague, and died because of that lust.

This is what is going on with us today.  YHUH said we show our love for Him through our obedience.  Too many justify their disobedience because we are in "Babal."  Well guess what, we are here because we deserve to be.  And until we truly change we will remain in "Babal", because there is currently no where in the world you can go and escape Babal.  Why? Because Babal is spiritual.  Living in the US is not physically Babal.  We were brought here because of spiritual disobedience.  And we remain here for the same reasons.  Those seeking to escape will find themselves in Babal no matter where they go, because the same sins and enslavement they live with here exists all over the world.

What we fail to realize is that YHUH doesn't say pack up and change location because that's going to change your life.  No! He says obey Him.  Observe to do His command.  Be circumcised in the flesh and the inner man.  Then you will begin to see change occurring in your life.  Because YHUH is just and when we return to Him, He will heal.  Husha 6:1

This requires will, discipline, and a heart to obey.  You have to stop looking at the situation as giving up, and look at it as rewarding.  YHUH says we must learn to delight in Him.  When we find His Turah a delight, we begin to look at every aspect of our lives in a different light.  You begin to truly hunger and thirst for righteousness, rather than than the ways of man.

I had to tell myself, look at that fried chicken, that strawberry pop tart, that mocha almond fudge ice cream, that feta cheese as a ticking bomb.  I had to tell myself that putting those things in my body was like walking around like a suicide bomber, ready to explode.  I had to make a decision as to whether or not food would be my adversary and whether or not I would give in to the temptations, or if I would resist them.

I understood, that just like with everything else I am called to do, I had to understand that YHUH was calling me to life, and I had to make the decision to live or die.  He doesn't make that decision for us. He chooses us...yet we in turn have to turn around and decide whether or not we are going to choose Him.

The moment I made the choice to become obedient to eating according B'Rashyth 1:28-29 was the moment my life changed drastically.  Gone was the asthma, and the allergies, and the anemia, and frequent colds, etc.  though I recently discovered that I have an auto immune disease, it's been attacking my body since before I knew YHUH.  I've managed to escape many of the symptoms because for the past several years, I've been researching and eliminating all the GMOs man made hybrids, and non foods from my diet.  And yes, this resulted in significant weight loss.

Now, I am not saying eat Tahur/clean just to lose weight.  That's not obedience, that's self service.  However, once you become obedient, expect YHUH to heal you.

I pray these words bring encouragement in a world so full of strife, and that the barakuth of Dbrym 28:1-14 be yours.

Alykham Shalum,



  1. Delight in him, I love it! Because too often I delight in sugar. Thanks for your encouraging words.

  2. Babaqashah/You're welcome...

    Still working on me... but will always find the time to share what the Word says...

  3. Update, the auto immune disease was the result of not enough vitamin d and it made my WBC and neutrophil levels wacky. I upped the dose of vitamin d and three weeks later, all clear! Halalu YHUH!
