Monday, September 8, 2014

What Are You Eating

What are you eating?

There's a lot of "tell all" movies about the food industry and how they are making money hand over fist "poisoning" citizens all over the world with its "food."

I recently made the following comment regarding one of the newest documentaries...  "Fed Up."

"The problem is that most people don't really care about what they eat.  It's one thing to say or even believe I want to do better...  But a lot of people's reality is they are too lazy to really put in the effort.  Buying fresh healthy food that you have to spend time preparing and then cooking is too much for today's society.  Everything is about quick and easy.  Had people not wanted everything in five seconds the fake food industry wouldn't be as wealthy as it is.. And the government wouldn't own farms because everyone would be growing their own food...  Restaurants wouldn't be chains because folks would be cooking their own food and children nor adults would be obese because sedentary life styles would not exist..."

I want to add, the biggest problem we have with our health, is that the world has gotten as far away as possible from the commands of YHUH.  Uyaqra 19:19, Dbrym 22:9-11, Brashyth 1:29-30 give very detailed information of just what YHUH intended for us to eat.  And yes I know that after the punishment of the flood, meat was given (Uyaqra 11).  However what many fail to realize is that it was not until AFTER YHUH saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth and that EVERY inclination of the thoughts of his inner man was only evil continuously that He decided to cause the rain to fall to punish mankind for its wickedness... Brashyth 6:5-7... And it was not until after this punishment of death that man was allowed to eat meat. Brashyth 9:3. I also find it odd that there was already a division of the clean and unclean animals and man knew the difference Brashyth 6:21, 7:2,8.

Many look at Brashyth 9:3 and say "we can eat whatever we want."  If that were the case, YHUHwouldn't   have given the instructions in Uyaqra 11 regarding the clean and unclean....  As well as telling the people to make a distinction between the two... Uyaqra 11:47

When we look at Dbrym 28:15-68 it should be of no surprise that our children suffer from heart disease and cancer and skin disease and sickness.  It should be no surprise that immunizations from fatal diseases have been developed, or that new diseases crop up every year.

I am not writing these words for those that do not follow the Turah of YHUH.  There is no chastisement for the people that do not belong to Him.  For those who do not believe in Him their father is of this world.  However, if you follow YHUH and guard to do ALL that He commands, these words are for you.

It is time to stop making excuses and justifying what you eat.  When we give in to our flesh, we are denying the power of the one we "say" we believe in.  When we grumble and complain, we are truly saying we either don't care, don't believe, or want to stay in Babal.   YHUH hears your grumbling..  The ancients grumbled and complained about YHUH's provision.. And they were dealt with accordingly.  Bmadbar 11

My aysh complains about how much money I sound on fresh seasonally local produce and how much time I spend researching farming practices..  He was totally shocked when I went to the store to purchase provision for him and he saw how much money nonfood really costs.  I call it nonfood because YHUH did not make unclean substances food for us.  Man did that.  YHUH created the pig, but He said it was not food for us.  The same goes with all other unclean substances.

You can complain all you want about the cost or the time or the availability....  This does not negate the fact that there is Turah about food.  Is the meat you're eating the result of two different animals mated together?  He did not say an animal that wasn't able to procreate.. He said two kinds mated together.  Is the meat your purchasing from the store meat that has been hunted, presented to YHUH and the blood covered I dirt?  Are you eating halal and kosher?  If so, do you realize that those are foods that have been offered to pagan deities?

Sure the Turah of clean and unclean food is difficult to say the least to follow, in a world that doesn't hold to the Turah of YHUH in any way.  But we are called to be qadush, that is separated to YHUH because He is qadush.  We are called to come out of Babal spiritually, even if not physically.  Once you read, you must do all you can to follow.  We are held accountable, and how much money you make, how difficult it is to acquire, etc. is not acceptable excuses.

When we anah (humble) ourselves, pray, seek YHUH, and turn from evil, He is righteous and will answer... Dbry HaYamym Byth 7:14.  Humbling ones self means to be lowly submissive.  Our biggest problem is, is that not many of us are WILLING to do this.

If you want to talk eating clean, or just want info about how I go about buying and eating clean local produce, please do not hesitate to contact me.  Send an email to

My prayer is that we become willing to obey YHUh in ALL things, not just the things we find the easiest to do.

May your kneading bowl be Baruk.

Alykham Shalum


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